
Ready to be the one blowing up, the one everyone’s watching, the one quantum leaping and asking themselves “holy shit is this my life” and answering, “DUH”?

I see you out there:

✔️ You’ve taken all the certifications. 

✔️ You know you’re good at what you do. 

✔️ You want that next level soooooo freaking bad - The luxury lifestyle, the travel, the impact, the confidence and cashflow.

😭 😭 😭 But you thought the results would be easier than this. Faster than this. Less fucking emotionally taxing than this. 

And look, I’ll be the first one to tell you it gets to be easy - but not without a ton of work involved.

Which honestly, probably doesn’t really scare you. You don’t mind the work, but you want to know there’s a reward on the other side. And you’re kind of sick of throwing spaghetti at the wall, watching everyone else blow up, and not getting that reward that entrepreneurship promises. Lucky for you, I know exactly what that feels like and I'm the perfect person to walk you through this. 

Let's do something about that together, shall we?

The Pleasure & Profit Mastermind 

A 6-month journey to take things to the next level - whether that's getting your first client, having multiple 5-figure cash months, or scaling to six figures and beyond

As someone who invested almost 6-figures before my business finally took off 4 years out of the gate, I want to save you the heartache and headache and cut straight to what it takes to build a pleasurable and profitable business. 

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

✨ One where people happily pay thousands to have you in their corner

✨ Where the work feels fun, fulfilling and fucking valued 

✨ A biz that also leaves plenty of room for a life you’re obsessed with living

This mastermind is about knowing exactly what to focus on each day to drive results in a way that allows you to be authentic af but also paid really effing well

It’s about how to overhaul your mindset and pair it with the perfect strategy for you with layers and layers of support

Basically it's the hack for having the results AND the pleasure and not having to choose between one or the other.


Maybe this sounds familiar:

  • You’ve taken all the programs, been doing the work, and still aren’t seeing the results or pleasure you want in your business regardless of how much or little you’re working

  • You feel hesitant to invest any more but know you are meant for this and crave the support so you’re not wobbling around figuring it out yourself 

  • You’ve done it the way you thought you "should" be doing it and still don't have the results. You've probably taken other courses, made other investments, and you need to know that you're going to actually invest in something that will work…

…and that's why this mastermind is different.

This is for you if:

✦ You want a coach who gets it and has been there. Who can hold space AND the vision as you walk the path(hi, like $0 for 4 years and now we’ve done over 4.7 Million since figuring out the exact things i’ll teach you in this mastermind!)

✦ You want help finding and following the right path *for you* way more than you want precise formulas to follow that make your pussy dry (and honestly rarely work) 

✦ You’re ready to be one of those people saying “holy shit, I did it! And I did it with so much pleasure and ease despite everything going on in my/the world” 

✦ You see my clients crushing it with 10k months, 30k months, 100k launches, sold out practices and so much confidence and you want some of that for yourself!

✦ You want to be surrounded by other women playing an equally big game

✦ You care about money and people. You do deep work and want to figure out how to sell more of it so you can have money for all the things your heart desires including plenty to give back, invest and spend!

For the past few years I’ve been studying why my clients make money and why they don’t. Not to mention using my own massive growth to figure out what truly works (and what is just bullshit this space feeds you!)

And i’m going to guide you through each and every business foundation that moves the needle

(and help you skip the ones that simply keep you busy and broke)


Listen, i used to fuck up all the time…

➜ i'd miss my own lives

➜ only make $500/month

➜ bail on launches

➜ struggle to work for even 2 hours a day

Sound familiar?

here’s the thing - I don’t give two fucks how long you’ve been coaching, how many times you’ve pivoted, how many times you’ve taken a course you didn’t finish or invest in something that didn’t bring the results you wanted.


Because it has nothing to do with what’s actually possible.



I spent four years spinning in circles until I finally started to follow my intuition, stopped delaying my pleasure, and started to lead with my pussy! Then 10k months became my normal, then 50k months, and now 100k months

And as much as pussy got me here(and gets you SO MANY of the things you want), so did a lot of really smart strategic business moves. And they’re the exact same ones I’ll teach you. Aka the investment you make in this Mastermind will serve you for years to come.

Read that again. 

I’m going to share with you the exact same work I had to do to get from spinning in circles for 4 years and making zero dollars to now running a 7-figure business. 

It’s the mastermind journey I’ve taken over 110 women on

Many have scaled to five figure months and six figure years and beyond because this fundamentally works really well.

Raise your hand if you want to step into this:

🙋🏻‍♀️ You want the the big money months just as much as you want to see your clients truly crushing it and your business making a difference in your life and world 

🙋🏻‍♀️ You want to prove to yourself you can do this, without being in a gross energy of proving your worth 

🙋🏻‍♀️ You want to be deeply seen, supported and loved in this lifetime 

🙋🏻‍♀️ You’re willing to put in the hard work when nobody’s looking 

🙋🏻‍♀️ You’re ready to have champagne problems like how will I celebrate another epic win and how good things are??? 

🙋🏻‍♀️ You want to do it being grounded in reality but deeply delusional about what’s possible 

🙋🏻‍♀️ You’re here to break free of the limitations handed to you by society and your ancestors and show them how good it can be 

🙋🏻‍♀️ You love getting cozy with your shadows and darkness and equally want to feel safe and comfortable having every single thing you ever imagined 

🙋🏻‍♀️ You want deep sisterhood, the kind where you can bare your souls, laugh, cry, win, crumble and everything in between. Where you become family even before you’ve ever hugged IRL 

🙋🏻‍♀️ You want to do it hand in hand. Being mentored and led but still encouraged to 100% do it your way 

🙋🏻‍♀️ You want to look at yourself and your business and be in complete awe of what you’ve created 

🙋🏻‍♀️  You want for it to be fun! And edgy and chill and soulful and playful and yummy and everything else it gets to be 

🙋🏻‍♀️ You want to know you have someone in your corner at every high, low and in between. Holding the vision. Calling you to rise over and over. Seeing your true power. 

And i’m going to guide you through each and every business foundation that moves the needle (and help you skip the ones that simply keep you busy and broke)


Listen, i used to fuck up all the time…

➜ i'd miss my own lives

➜ only make $500/month

➜ bail on launches

➜ struggle to work for even 2 hours a day

Sound familiar?

here’s the thing - I don’t give two fucks how long you’ve been coaching, how many times you’ve pivoted, how many times you’ve taken a course you didn’t finish or invest in something that didn’t bring the results you wanted.


Because it has nothing to do with what’s actually possible.


I spent four years spinning in circles until I finally started to follow my intuition, stopped delaying my pleasure, and started to lead with my pussy! Then 10k months became my normal, then 50k months, and now 100k months

And as much as pussy got me here(and gets you SO MANY of the things you want), so did a lot of really smart strategic business moves. And they’re the exact same ones I’ll teach you. Aka the investment you make in this Mastermind will serve you for years to come.

Read that again. 

I’m going to share with you the exact same work I had to do to get from spinning in circles for 4 years and making zero dollars to now running a 7-figure business. 

It’s the mastermind journey I’ve taken over 90 women on

Many have scaled to five figure months and six figure years and beyond because this fundamentally works really well.


I want you to be next. 

Applications for 2024 will open again in Fall 2023.

I want you to fall deliriously in love with running your biz and see the cash money that reflects that. 

I know it’s possible. I’ve helped client after client not just have the business, but also the life that they’ve dreamt of for years! 

I want your business foundations to be rock fucking solid. Because you need them to make your first sales and then your 100k months and even 7-figures. Truly. The basics done well will do more than any trend or secret. I promise. And you can trust me here because I spent 4 years chasing the secret with almost nothing to show for it.

I want you to fall deliriously in love with running your biz and see the cash money that reflects that. 

I want your business foundations to be rock fucking solid. Because you need them to make your first sales and then your 100k months and even 7-figures. Truly. The basics done well will do more than any trend or secret. I promise. And you can trust me here because I spent 4 years chasing the secret with almost nothing to show for it.

Whether you’re aiming for your first six-figures or scaling to more, this is the place to be. 

I know it’s possible. I’ve helped client after client not just have the business, but also the life that they’ve dreamt of for years! 

We know what it takes(spoiler: it’s likely not what you think). 

I want you to have the business you(and pussy) have been dreaming of and i’m so excited to support you with that!

My goal is simple: to show you how to master the basics of mindset, pleasure and strategy so you can scale + sustain. 

Listen, trends come and go. The algorithm is always changing. Your desires and lifestyle will grow and evolve. But when you know how business works, how to master your mindset, and how to TRULY feel pleasure in your body life and business, and you can work the shit out of the basics, you can have your business work for you, versus you constantly working for it.

So many programs will have you focusing on creating the perfect sales page, creating fancy funnels, and running ads

That’s NOT what this is about and it’s not what I’ve seen really get people results

Then what’s the best way to double down on pleasure, double down on profit, and fucking love what you’re doing? 

Pussy Based Business®

Pussy Based Business® is about so much more than complicated formulas and strategies.

It’s about getting your mindset right

Getting into pleasure

Being so fucking TURNED ON that your people are magnetized to you 

It’s about doing things imperfectly but showing up anyways 

Honoring who you are, the ways in which you work in, and doing it your way 

Cuz it doesn’t work when you try to do it everybody else's way

I spent years building my business with inconsistent results, playing small, shrinking, trying to be perfect, not saying what i truly wanted to say and spending sooooo much money to see little to no return.

But something in me always told me to keep going because I knew one day this would pay off.

I kept showing up.

I kept honoring my unique way of doing things(like being lazy AF sometimes)

And holy fucking shit has it paid off 🥰

I’ve been conquering one fear after another and showing the fuck up for myself.

I’ve chosen over and over that i get to have everything I want and i’ve done the work to get there.

I've prioritized my pleasure more than most coaches would EVER tell you to and it's led me to where I am

✦ Now I’m a 7-figure business owner

✦ I’ve had over 24 100k+ months and some months, almost double that

✦ All my programs have hundreds of happy alumni

✦ I have 100k clients who love paying to be this held(and double their investment) 

✦ And I do it all with so much fucking pleasureeeeee 

But a few key things had to change.

Let me teach you how. 

Let me spoil you with customized support, with strategy, with permission, with pleasureee

I want this to be the space and place where pleasure & profit takes things to the next level for you too.


The day I decided to go all in, get support, listen to pussy, and do it my way, was the day everything started to shift.




We only have 30 women max in the mastermind, distributed across 5 pods (each designed to focus on exactly what it takes to win at each level)!  

Private facebook community included – for maximum sisterhood support around the clock! 

Monthly calls are split into pods based on income level, which guarantees you lots of time to focus on your individual needs 

In addition, you’ll get monthly 1:1s with either me or our support coach (based on income level) – we’re IN IT with you.


Every week we have a workshop focusing on a different training:




financial literacy. 

Plus you get access to hundreds of past trainings and bonus materials - everything from team hiring to running fb ads!!! 


We’ll do a kick-off in-person weekend in Tampa, FL in January – so you can meet your new mastermind sisters and lay the foundation for the year. The deets so far:

January 6th and 7th, 2024, 10am - 5pm ET

You’ll need to get your cute self to florida and arrange for accommodations. I’ll arrange for a space where we’ll do our thing during the day and cover lunches. 


We’ll have 2 virtual retreats later in the year, for even more community support and sisterhood!


In the spring you'll have the option to sign up for an in-person retreat (totally optional but the women who came in 2023 said it was life-changing). Deets TBD.


As part of the mastermind, you’ll get all my large group programs FOR FREE and more!!! 💋

Here it is in a nutshell:


I’ll be there

guiding you

cheering you on

reminding you of your greatness over. and over. again

(how fucking delicious is this level of support?)


⫸ 100% off my large group programs during the mastermind (Value $1950+ for EACH program!!!)

⫸ Pussy Based Sales course so you learn the skill of sales + being with someone in these conversations (Value $1000)

⫸ Access to all past guest experts and bonus calls so you have a whole library of supplemental topics all organized on a clean table of contents doc(lawyer, bookkeeper, hiring, mindset, sex magic, creativity etc)


$1000/month + 10% of your monthly revenue

Unsure how revenue share works and what numbers you actually report? No worries! Please watch this video where I break all that down

For more information, check out the juicy FAQ section at the bottom of the page, and if you have any questions, jump into my inbox! 

client results

Wanna hear from the successful CEO babes who have been through the mastermind themselves? +110 women have already been through the mastermind - and many stay on year after year because the support is so delicious.

Scroll down to hear about their experience + results in their own words!

Jessica went from investment anxiety to 2x’ing her PPMM investment within 2 months

Nova’s business ops skyrocketed to another level

Ann got a BTS into other people’s businesses - and it helped her grow her own

Jen 10x’d her investment in just 6 months

Before PPMM, Ash had 15 people sign up for her program. Now she’s selling out and having 50k months

Shanon doubled her income and hit 6 figures within a year!

Ashley increased her 1:1 coaching pricing from $400/month to selling out at $1,500/month

Ronak quit her 9-5 developer job to become a women’s liberation mentor

Scared you won’t feel heard or seen in a mastermind? Belinda felt the same before joining - see for yourself how PPMM shifted her outlook

PPMM gave Harmony the push she needed to scale her business from 2k to 10k offers

Lee is now running two multiple 6-figure businesses with hundreds of clients

The support and coaching in PPMM freed Shan up to create the program she dreamed of for years

Sara built a rock solid foundation and launched a new program to diversify her offers and create new revenue streams

Being in my energy led Ellie to a 20k launch

Mikkel got really fucking clear on her priorities

Are you wondering if PPMM is the right fit for you?

🌟 Do you know deep down in your pussy that this is the next step you need to take to find pleasure in your biz again but keep telling yourself “next round” or “next year”? 

What if you ARE ready to do it differently this time – a little imperfectly and slightly scared shitless? My first 6 months with my coach i made $0. It sucked. I hated it. I was soooo close to not renewing but thank the motherfucking lord i did. And listen, it took another few months, but then, it all changed. I not only hit my goals but i skyrocketed right past them because i nailed the foundations and learned how to do them better and better each time.

🌟 Have you somehow convinced yourself that the other women in the mastermind will be more [fill in the self-limiting belief here] than you are? 

I hear you. You feel not far enough along, too far gone, deep in the debt hole, and a total loser on social media at this point. You belong tho. Undo that ass backwards limiting script right now. You. Are. The. Shit. Just. As. You. Are. And you will hear it over and over from myself, our team and your sisters in the mastermind. You can borrow our belief until you have your own(and don’t worry, i’ll teach you exactly how to do that, at every single level)

🌟 Have you already tried a mastermind or 3 but still aren’t seeing the results or pleasure you want in your business regardless of how much or little you’re working?

I get that. But you still want it right? Cuz you’re here reading this. You open every email I’m sending. So let’s get real for a second. Business is a skill. It’s not magic. Throwing money at a problem doesn’t solve it(cuz, you’ve tried that). You want tried and true. The real deal and I wish I could tell you there was a path that didn’t involve making the investment and going all in on it. The difference here is that I know why you haven’t been getting results and I know how to help you shift that. You’re focused on the wrong things, your energy is leaking all over the place(when it really doesn’t need to be), and you’re straight up running your business in an outdated way that doesn’t feel good or get results. Still convinced business is hard. You’re wrong and i’ll show you why. But you have to take the first step.

🌟 Have you convinced yourself that you can’t afford it this go round, and will wait until your biz is generating more money?

Every time I make a big investment, it's terrifying.  That's the point. Even with money. And especially when I wasn’t making any. I don’t want to play down that this is a big investment. But I want to remind you that you’re here because you want this. You have something to offer. And clearly you need support figuring out how to bring that to life. I know this will work and help you, but you’re the one who has to decide and believe this program will work for you. Take that step and we’re golden. (and ps - you can do it still feeling scared, wobbly, and at your edge)

I get that it feels like this is a whole ass mortgage payment, or that you could buy a car, a whole new wardrobe, or honestly, so many things. But that just shows you’re thinking about this like an expense, not an investment. Investments have a return. What if you went into this like it was a no brainer because of course you were gonna walk out of here making 2, 3, 4, 10 times this much? That way of operating is available to you. It just takes a shift in thinking. 

🌟What if I’m not a lingerie wearing, pussy obsessed, raunchy slutty nasty whatever. Do I still fit in?

You want this magic but my flavor might not be yours. And sometimes it feels like the noisiest people on the internet are half naked and running around in lingerie. Which, sure. They exist. They’re my peeps. BUTTTTTTTTTTTT. You get to be here. Whether you feel like a vanilla vixen or bathrobe babe, you have a message and work your people need, you get to have the pleasure and our sisterhood is better with you in it. 

If you’re feeling drawn to this, trust yourself. There’s medicine here and a reason why you’re being called(and why the container needs you too)

And i’m going to guide you through each and every business foundation that moves the needle (and help you skip the ones that simply keep you busy and broke)


This community has been full of tears, lives changed, businesses transformed, humans who trust themselves, sisterhood wounds dissolved!

There is no other space like this - my clients constantly tell me i undersell this mastermind and its the best investment they’ve ever made 

⫸ It’s way beyond business

⫸ It’s how to hold goodness

⫸ How to be seen

⫸ How to receive and serve and show up from a FULL FUCKING CUP

⫸ Even with kids, in a post-pandemic world, with relationship ruptures, moves, deaths and more

It’s literally how to be a whole ass human who happens to run a cool ass business they love and are extremely proud of



What’s the investment? 

The investment is 6k (or 1k USD/month for 6 months) + 10% of monthly cash revenue

Are scholarships or payment plans available? 

Even tho I love being able to offer scholarships and payment plans in my large group programs, I have made the choice to not take on anyone in the mastermind who needs a payment plan due the nature of the model

If this is not for you but you’d love to work with me, i invite you to check out my group programs!

When are the calls?

Your 1:1 support calls will be based on schedules, and your mastermind call time is dependent on which pod you’re in: 

0-3k pod - Tuesdays at 1pm EST

3-10k pod - Tuesdays at 4pm EST -or- Wednesdays at 2pm EST

10-25k pod - Wednesdays 12pm EST

25-100k+ pod - Thursdays at 4pm EST

Workshop call times are Mondays at 3:00pm EST, and each week we’ll rotate through trainings: 

Week 1: Financial Literacy Training w/ Julia

Week 2: Sales Training w/ Julia

Week 3: Copywriting w/ Julia

Week 4: Marketing Training w/ support coach Ashley to cover all things messaging, ads, creative, etc.

Is this just for coaches?

no, it’s for anyone who owns a business and is looking to grow it!

More FAQs can be found here!!

message me ASAP if you’re on the fence and need help deciding!!!

Sooo, what is pussy telling you? Are you hell yes to the next round of Pleasure & Profit Mastermind with yours truly?! 

I’m happy to chat back and forth in messenger or in my DMs so make sure you drop any questions you have there! Totally fine if fear is popping up or you need clarity on whether or not this is the right fit for you. If I don’t think you’re a fit or have a better program for where you’re at, I’ll also let you know once I get your application. 

And if you already know you’re a hell yes..

<3 xoxoxoxoxo ready to take things to the next level?!?!! I ammmmmm